Friday, May 28, 2010

A few notes for the day

I've decided I need to post on here more often; I've found this to be very therapeutic, especially when I don't have anyone to really talk to. So here's the notes for the day, for those who are keeping score.

  • I miss home. This is a given though, that's gonna happen on deployment.
  • We're leaving on a mission in a few days, and I kind of have a bad feeling about this one. Everyone has gotten hit but us, I feel like it's our turn.
  • I wish I had more reading material. I've already read most everything I brought/was sent, and I've got friends sending me more, but until then I'm bored out of my mind.
  • Change of Command, what the fuck? We're losing a squad leader, and soon we'll lose our platoon leader, CO, and First Sergeant. Doesn't seem to make sense to me, on deployment.
  • How is it that the chow hall can serve lobster and steak tonight, but we weren't able to eat any real food for lunch? Just MREs?
  • I still miss home.
  • One of my best friends has been MIA the last couple days - mostly due to the time differences between here and home, I think - but I'm worried about her.
  • The Afghan Army is really, really struggling here. We're trying to help, but... seriously? They're almost to the point of being hopeless.
  • My buddy threw a rock at my knee. It fucking hurts. Thanks jackass.
That's all the thoughts I have for the moment, I think. No, you can't have those 5 minutes of your life back.

1 comment:

  1. Let me first say Thank You! Thank you for your sacrifices for my freedoms! I came across your blog from a link from Sam's blog. I have had a few "adopted soldiers'", soldiers Ive never met that I have written to and sent packages to, and Id be more than happy to do the same for you! just send me an email with your address...
